"Painters are almost all Don Quixotes"

"Painters are almost all Don Quixotes"

Saturday, July 17, 2010

100 Faces #5, #6, #7, and #8

le sigh..

I was hoping to get started on a mural in my friend's new apartment today. But, I gots no idea where he is. So, here's more drawings instead!--->

A piece from a few months ago. We were working on shading techniques in my drawing 101 class.

Link, from Zelda. One of my most favorite video game characters. Work in Progress... We'll see how far I take it. It might even get colored!

Something I did a few days ago. I saw some guy with almost this exact pose. He was intensely studying the bulletin board at work. Anyways, I kind of made this up based on that guy.

A really simple line art doodle. I think he kind of looks like Zac Efron. Not my intention though hahaha.

Friday, July 16, 2010

100 faces- #1, #2, #3, and #4

So, I had a blog before this one of which I've given up on. I've never been great at journaling and this is another version of it that I couldn't keep up with. The only thing I've stayed consistent with is drawing. Doodling, sketching, it's my best and most favorite pasttime. Here are the first pictures of my first project on my first sketchblog! Cheers to the number "first"!

Yes, yes... I know Alice's normally stylish hair is poofy on top. I rushed it a lot at the end because I'd been focusing on her face so much. Besides, it was a present for my mom. She probably didn't even notice.

This leans more towards my style of realism, where it still retains a somewhat cartoon-y or surreal kind of look. It was meant to be my version of Edward Cullen.

The second realism portrait I've ever done. Alice was the first. I think I've already improved. I really, really love the way his eyes turned out. (Oh please, oh please say this is recognizable as Dali?)

Just a doodle that turned into creating a Greco-awesome border.