The beginnings of a blog... How delicious! I suppose I ought to begin with the beginning. *Ahem...
My name is Megan. My room is a mess. I'm very creative and I tend to trip over things. Although, perhaps this would be most appropriate in list form. Let's see how many bullets I can get!!--->
o My birthday is August 12th!
o I wear something green with every outfit. (favorite color, if you hadn't gathered)
o I love daisies and ALL exotic flowers.
o I'm rubbish at math.
o Valentine's and Christmas are my favorite holidays.
o I named my teddy bear after my grampa. (Wellington)
o I wish I was sportier. Ideally I'd love to be able to play tennis, volleyball, and snowboard.
o I love making lists! I make lists about dream houses, vacation spots, favorite songs, dog breeds, baby names, and loads of other things.
o I can't stand the sound of sandpaper, emery boards, or styrofoam. Blech...
o I LOVE being outside.
o I really want a dog. ANY kind of dog. The bigger the better.
o I love rifling through antiques.
o I love family traditions.
o I'm always excited about something.
o I sing ALL the time.
o I'm pretty good about writing letters. Just, not making it to the mailbox in time. Pitiful, isn't it?
o My favorite ice creams are---> raspberry, chocolate and cookie dough.
o I'm a stickler for proper grammar and correct spelling.
o Large groups of people are more comfortable to me than small groups.
o I love dressing up; I'm always looking for an excuse to do so.
o Unfortunately, I am a victim of arachnophobia.. *shiver*
o I love tea, and tea sandwiches, and tea parties.
o I LOVE Abbott and Costello, the Three Stooges, and Laurel and Hardy. I would have loved to meet them.
o I'm fairly certain caffeine doesn't affect me.
o I hate yoga.
o I love the word thither... and jell-o.
o I never wear make-up. It's too girly.
o I would love to visit England, Germany, Ireland, San Francisco, New Zealand, and Copenhagen.
o I love surprises!
That's some of it at least. I figure a cut-off point might be welcome.

Today was spent working all morning and yard sale-ing far too late in the afternoon. Although, my finds were surprisingly wonderful. I rummaged and discovered a B-YOO-TEE-FUL bamboo steamer, and a polaroid camera! $4 in total! I've been working on my culinary skills, so, the steamer seems essential (in a warped mind sort of way) and the camera is going to be amazing. It looks like it's never been used, actually.. Well, tonight can only get better. Fare thee well, adoring public!
Song of the day---> "Whenever I Call You Friend"- Stevie Nicks and Kenny Loggins