I'm a girl.
We just do that.
THANKFULLY! Some genius invented THIS--->
The one, the only... BUG VACUUM!
It's a strong little sucker (pun intended) for all those creepy crawlies. It's my new boyfriend. Well, old boyfriend... I've had it for a few years. Apparently our love has been rekindled in this season of insects.

I was also thinking recently... What sorts of bugs do I actually like?
o butterflies
o dragonflies
o lightning bugs (fireflies)
o ants (yes, I said ants! They work so hard..)
o praying mantises
o earthworms
o and the bumble's! Hunnybees that is.
Top ten list of most HATED crawlies?
1. any and all spiders!
2. mosquitoes
3. earwigs
4. any sort of spineless insect outside of earthworm. ie-- leeches, tapeworms, slugs, etc.
5. wasps
6. crickets and grasshoppers (they're pretty much the same thing)
7. anything that flies, outside of the one's I like. ie-- blackflies, houseflies, flying ants, moths, horseflies, etc.
8. ticks
9. termites
10. ladybugs (Thaaaat's right! And if you disagree, it's because you've never dealt with an infestation! Hordes! They come in stinking hordes!)
Song of the day?---> "My Maria"- B.W. Stevenson
I totally agree.