Friday, June 10, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Days of Blah.

My neck feels like this right now. It's been this way since noon. I was sitting there, minding my own business... And then crrrrrrrrkk! It suddenly blasted into a knot of pain and suffering.
But that's ok. I have my texting buddy, Josh, to keep me occupied.
Song of the day---> Pokemon theme song
Saturday, March 19, 2011
pirate p(ARRRRRR)ty.
I have been planning to spend a marvelous evening watching all three of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies as a bit of mental preparation for the fourth one being released on May 20th (GLEE!!!!!!) Anywho, I sent the invites, bought the food, plundered and pillaged... I mean, worked my hiney off, AND
It went a little something like this---->
Three types of rum, fresh tropical fruits...

Some (not quite as pirate-y) snacks...

Souvenir suede pouches filled with chocolate coins and a pirate chest to boot!

A ceiling FILLED with pirate pennants and black and red balloons...

The highlight of the party? My rum, coconut cake.

I even went so far as to decorate the innards with chocolate coins AND embellish the side with a cashew cross-n-bones.
The planning? It took my blood, sweat and tears. I spent an ENTIRE Friday decorating and chopping and baking and STUFF! But, it was soooooo worth it.
The turnout? Fairly dismal... Although, I'm keeping my chin up about it because it's just more proof that I'm going to be the coolest mum ever! (Next to my own mum.)
Song of the (yester)day--> Do I even need to say it?
I do?
You asked for it!
Pirates of the Caribbean theme. :)
It went a little something like this---->
Three types of rum, fresh tropical fruits...
Some (not quite as pirate-y) snacks...
Souvenir suede pouches filled with chocolate coins and a pirate chest to boot!
A ceiling FILLED with pirate pennants and black and red balloons...
The highlight of the party? My rum, coconut cake.
I even went so far as to decorate the innards with chocolate coins AND embellish the side with a cashew cross-n-bones.
The planning? It took my blood, sweat and tears. I spent an ENTIRE Friday decorating and chopping and baking and STUFF! But, it was soooooo worth it.
The turnout? Fairly dismal... Although, I'm keeping my chin up about it because it's just more proof that I'm going to be the coolest mum ever! (Next to my own mum.)
Song of the (yester)day--> Do I even need to say it?
I do?
You asked for it!
Pirates of the Caribbean theme. :)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Already Packin'
I am so pumped to go HOME.
"Homeward bound, I wish I was homeward bound.
Home, where my thoughts escape, at home, where my music's playin'"
Homeward Bound- Paul Simon

Ok.... So this ISN'T my home...
But, I want it to be.
So, I'm already packing and it's just SO great realizing how much crap you have...
Anyways, I started this photo project a few weeks ago but, here it goes! I was trying to capture license plates from ALL the states. I'll just show you all the pretty ones though!

SONG OF THE WEEK!! SONG OF MY LIFE!!! "Eye Conqueror"- Third Eye Blind
"Homeward bound, I wish I was homeward bound.
Home, where my thoughts escape, at home, where my music's playin'"
Homeward Bound- Paul Simon

Ok.... So this ISN'T my home...
But, I want it to be.
So, I'm already packing and it's just SO great realizing how much crap you have...
Anyways, I started this photo project a few weeks ago but, here it goes! I was trying to capture license plates from ALL the states. I'll just show you all the pretty ones though!
SONG OF THE WEEK!! SONG OF MY LIFE!!! "Eye Conqueror"- Third Eye Blind
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Record Breakers
So! The official news is that I woke up at 7:30 this morning, took my natural disasters test (91%!!!!), met with my natural disasters group, then waited and pondered until noon or so... Which is when 2 out of 3 roomies and I, made our way to a world record breaking dodgeball tournament!!
The original record was set by the University of Alberta with 1200 students.
UGH!! 1177... So close... Also, so much for school spirit! Despite not quite breaking any records, that's pretty flipping fantastic. :3
Song o' the athletic day- "Weeeeeeee Are the Champions"- Queen
Thursday, March 10, 2011
My Favorite Natural Disaster :3

As a kid, besides the (apparently) MILLIONS of times I watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, I distinctly remember watching Twister very often. It just FASCINATES me!! Tickles m'fancy!

It's just, in my natural disasters class, we are split into groups and each group presents for twenty minutes on a specific disaster. We are the ONLY group with a tornado which makes me SOOOOO felicitous!! So, my mind is on 'nado's at the moment.

Yes. Yes, that IS New York and little Miss Liberty.
Songgggg!----> "Twistin' the Night Away"- Sam Cooke
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
I have become absolutely smitten with this "mini" business that's been established on campus. Business students create beautiful jewelry focusing on rolled paper beads made by women in Uganda. These women, through the creation of these beads, raise their weekly income from $1 to $4 even $5 dollars! ALL of the profits made from the company are sent back to them. I love their designs, the uniqueness of the beads, and the effect I have on these women SO much, that I can't stop purchasing the jewelry. Let's take a peek-see at my collection thus far...----->

All in all,
o 6 bracelets
o 3 necklaces
o 1 keychain
o 1 jewelry bag (also made by the same women in Uganda)
o 6 sets of earrings (3 of them are gifts though...)
and a partridge in a pear tree.
Song of the day- "Wishery" by POGO---> YOU MUST YOUTUBE THIS SONG! Genius, genius, genius... I love everything by him.
All in all,
o 6 bracelets
o 3 necklaces
o 1 keychain
o 1 jewelry bag (also made by the same women in Uganda)
o 6 sets of earrings (3 of them are gifts though...)
and a partridge in a pear tree.
Song of the day- "Wishery" by POGO---> YOU MUST YOUTUBE THIS SONG! Genius, genius, genius... I love everything by him.
The Things You've Missed
My first (sort of) "date" of the semester! I made dinner for a pre-vet. 2.24.2011
Ok, so, this wasn't the "exact" dinner but, I DID make grilled porkchops with a cinnamon apple glaze, mashed potatoes, Rhodes rolls (my mum's fave!), steamed broccoli, and strawberry icecream for dessert!
Pond Skimming! 2.25.2011
One of the best events of winter semester! Basically, participants go flying down a 50ft or so ramp on either ski's, snowboard, or tube into a pool of freezing water, all to entertain the adoring public!
Snowshoe Trip 10a-3p 2.26.2011
With all the physical exertion it takes (thank goodness for break time!) I still came out all smiles. It was fun and pretty relaxing.
Blood Drive 10a 3.4.2011
For the FIRST time out of about 8 times... I DONATED A FULL BAG of blood!!! For some reason, no matter how much water I consume, I have crummy, tiny veins. Also, when they stick the only decent one in my left arm... it's right next to a valve. So, I kind of have everything going against me every time I try. But, 18 minutes and 50 seconds in, I reach 590mL and life is peachy!
Ice Fishing! 7a-1p 3.5.2011
THIS was cool. I was hoping to catch SOMETHING but, alas, it was not to be. It was still a fantastic experience.
The... well... "unsettling" crack that I'd been sitting on the whole time.

Ok, so, this wasn't the "exact" dinner but, I DID make grilled porkchops with a cinnamon apple glaze, mashed potatoes, Rhodes rolls (my mum's fave!), steamed broccoli, and strawberry icecream for dessert!
Pond Skimming! 2.25.2011
One of the best events of winter semester! Basically, participants go flying down a 50ft or so ramp on either ski's, snowboard, or tube into a pool of freezing water, all to entertain the adoring public!
Snowshoe Trip 10a-3p 2.26.2011
With all the physical exertion it takes (thank goodness for break time!) I still came out all smiles. It was fun and pretty relaxing.
Blood Drive 10a 3.4.2011
For the FIRST time out of about 8 times... I DONATED A FULL BAG of blood!!! For some reason, no matter how much water I consume, I have crummy, tiny veins. Also, when they stick the only decent one in my left arm... it's right next to a valve. So, I kind of have everything going against me every time I try. But, 18 minutes and 50 seconds in, I reach 590mL and life is peachy!
Ice Fishing! 7a-1p 3.5.2011
THIS was cool. I was hoping to catch SOMETHING but, alas, it was not to be. It was still a fantastic experience.
The... well... "unsettling" crack that I'd been sitting on the whole time.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Vivie con miedo es como vivia a medias

I love this movie!!!!
A lovely evening with Miss Shannon. Pizza pies and a jug full of icy, icy water. Mmmmmm...
"Scott Hastings is a champion caliber ballroom dancer, but, much to the chagrin of the Australian ballroom dance community, Scott believes in dancing "his own steps". Fran is a beginning dancer and a bit of an ugly duckling who has the audacity to ask to be Scott's partner after his unorthodox style causes his regular partner to dance out of his life. Together, these two misfits try to win the Australian Pan Pacific Championships and show the Ballroom Confederation that they are wrong when they say, "there are no new steps!"'-
I've always been partial to the name Fran. (Most likely because of this movie.) It reminds me of the word "frump" and they just kind of GO together! Frumpy Fran. I mean, did you SEE how frumpy she was??

She becomes more and more beautiful to him because he's getting to see her for what she's worth. Ahem... "Do I love you because you're beautiful? Or are you beautiful because I love you?" Rodgers and Hammerstein's have it correct; and, well, the best endings end in love. So, it had to happen at some point. Why not in this dress?

Ooooo... and with that 'tude!!
Song of the day- "Love is in the Air"- John Paul Young
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
***American Idol 2011***
So! This has officially become my favorite American Idol year! I'm going to watch EVERY episode... For the past few years, well, honestly, since the glory days of Ruben Stoddard, I haven't watched it as vivaciously. 2009 brought surprising promise and I faithfully watched the end episodes but, it still didn't hold much relish for me.
Steven came into my life again.

I have fallen in love once more. He has such a bright and funny personality! I ADORE him as a judge of Idol! Sure, he's a crinkly 60 year old man but, has that ever stopped anybody? Just think of Humphrey and Audrey!!

Well, not to spoil anyone's fun but, there were two parts (already!) that bring me to blubbery, rosy-cheeked BAWLING every time...
*shiver shiver blubber*
When he leans in and whispers in her ear? Ahhhh!!!! Pluck-pluck-plucking on my heartstrings!! I cried. "That's why he sings so good, cuz he sings to you."
(Skip ahead to 1:50 where she brings in her family)
Mmmmmmmmmm!!! Just that "foreeehvah". I cried. I BAWLED. He has this haunting quality to his voice when he sings softly and low like that... DAH! It's one of my favorite love songs aanyways haha! So, I suppose I'm bias.
Either way, the song of the ending to today is most definitely "Don't Wanna Miss A Thing"- Aerosmith
(Pssssst! Fun fact! The band Aerosmith first formed in Sunapee,NH! I'M FROM NH! And one of his daughters still lives there! So, I'm staking my claim on him hahaha. TTFN!)
Steven came into my life again.

I have fallen in love once more. He has such a bright and funny personality! I ADORE him as a judge of Idol! Sure, he's a crinkly 60 year old man but, has that ever stopped anybody? Just think of Humphrey and Audrey!!

Well, not to spoil anyone's fun but, there were two parts (already!) that bring me to blubbery, rosy-cheeked BAWLING every time...
*shiver shiver blubber*
When he leans in and whispers in her ear? Ahhhh!!!! Pluck-pluck-plucking on my heartstrings!! I cried. "That's why he sings so good, cuz he sings to you."
(Skip ahead to 1:50 where she brings in her family)
Mmmmmmmmmm!!! Just that "foreeehvah". I cried. I BAWLED. He has this haunting quality to his voice when he sings softly and low like that... DAH! It's one of my favorite love songs aanyways haha! So, I suppose I'm bias.
Either way, the song of the ending to today is most definitely "Don't Wanna Miss A Thing"- Aerosmith
(Pssssst! Fun fact! The band Aerosmith first formed in Sunapee,NH! I'M FROM NH! And one of his daughters still lives there! So, I'm staking my claim on him hahaha. TTFN!)
My THREE favorites...

Axl Rose (of Guns n' Roses) from the 80's

Seth GREEEEEEEEEEN. I love him.

Rupert Grint of the Harry Potter movies
Song for the beginning of the day- "Paparazzi"- Lady Gaga

Axl Rose (of Guns n' Roses) from the 80's

Seth GREEEEEEEEEEN. I love him.

Rupert Grint of the Harry Potter movies
Song for the beginning of the day- "Paparazzi"- Lady Gaga
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Superbowl Sunday :)

Yeah, they won. Steelers never had a chance.
Also, honestly? You call that a half-time show? It certainly beats the wardrobe malfunction of years past but... Woooooo-weeee... For some reason none of the Black Eyed Pea's could sing. The only good part about it was Slash's RAVING guitar skills.
Oh Slash. We could totally be friends.

See my devotion? (His face on my Halloween costumed self)

See my loooooove? (My face on his Gibson ad)
Le sigh...
Song of the day- "Sweet Child O' Mine"- Guns n' Roses

Yeah, they won. Steelers never had a chance.
Also, honestly? You call that a half-time show? It certainly beats the wardrobe malfunction of years past but... Woooooo-weeee... For some reason none of the Black Eyed Pea's could sing. The only good part about it was Slash's RAVING guitar skills.
Oh Slash. We could totally be friends.

See my devotion? (His face on my Halloween costumed self)

See my loooooove? (My face on his Gibson ad)
Le sigh...
Song of the day- "Sweet Child O' Mine"- Guns n' Roses
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