Steven came into my life again.

I have fallen in love once more. He has such a bright and funny personality! I ADORE him as a judge of Idol! Sure, he's a crinkly 60 year old man but, has that ever stopped anybody? Just think of Humphrey and Audrey!!

Well, not to spoil anyone's fun but, there were two parts (already!) that bring me to blubbery, rosy-cheeked BAWLING every time...
*shiver shiver blubber*
When he leans in and whispers in her ear? Ahhhh!!!! Pluck-pluck-plucking on my heartstrings!! I cried. "That's why he sings so good, cuz he sings to you."
(Skip ahead to 1:50 where she brings in her family)
Mmmmmmmmmm!!! Just that "foreeehvah". I cried. I BAWLED. He has this haunting quality to his voice when he sings softly and low like that... DAH! It's one of my favorite love songs aanyways haha! So, I suppose I'm bias.
Either way, the song of the ending to today is most definitely "Don't Wanna Miss A Thing"- Aerosmith
(Pssssst! Fun fact! The band Aerosmith first formed in Sunapee,NH! I'M FROM NH! And one of his daughters still lives there! So, I'm staking my claim on him hahaha. TTFN!)
He's from the Talaricco family and if we bought Fords we might have even bought a car from his family's business at one point. He is too cute and I am also LOVING him on Idol this year. Yeah, I teared up when he leaned in and whispered to her too. Le sigh.