My name is Megan. My room is a mess. I'm very creative and I tend to trip over things. Although, perhaps this would be most appropriate in list form. Let's see how many bullets I can get!!--->
o My birthday is August 12th!
o I wear something green with every outfit. (favorite color, if you hadn't gathered)
o I love daisies and ALL exotic flowers.
o I'm rubbish at math.
o Valentine's, Halloween and Christmas are my favorite holidays.
o I named my teddy bear after my grampa. (Wellington)
o I wish I was sportier. Ideally I'd love to be able to play tennis, volleyball, and snowboard.
o I love making lists! I make lists about dream houses, vacation spots, favorite songs, dog breeds, baby names, and loads of other things.
o I can't stand the sound of sandpaper, emery boards, or styrofoam. Blech...
o I LOVE being outside.
o I really want a dog. ANY kind of dog. The bigger the better.
o I love rifling through antiques.
o I love family traditions.
o I'm always excited about something.
o I sing ALL the time.
o I'm pretty good about writing letters. Just, not making it to the mailbox in time. Pitiful, isn't it?
o My favorite ice creams are---> black raspberry, chocolate and cookie dough.
o I'm a stickler for proper grammar and correct spelling.
o Large groups of people are more comfortable to me than small groups.
o I love dressing up; I'm always looking for an excuse to do so.
o Unfortunately, I am a victim of arachnophobia.. *shiver*
o I love tea, and tea sandwiches, and tea parties.
o I LOVE Abbott and Costello, the Three Stooges, and Laurel and Hardy. I would have loved to meet them.
o I'm fairly certain caffeine doesn't affect me.
o I hate yoga.
o I love the words noodle and thither... and jell-o.
o I never wear make-up. It's too girly.
o I would love to visit England, Germany, Ireland, San Francisco, New Zealand, and Copenhagen.
o I love surprises!
That's some of it at least. I figure a cut-off point might be welcome.
Today was spent watching movies and taking my test (83%... not bad).
Then, the night brought glow-stick-dance-madness!

Ahhhhhh.... Lovely, lovely dances.
Song o' th'day- Indiana Jones Theme Song
You're so dang cute.